Foolkiller Christmas, Part I

Foolkiller Christmas, Part I is focused mostly on the British Christmas tradition through songs from the 13th century to the present day. We start with the Christmas story in carols, beginning with the Annunciation and ending with ‘… a ship came sailing in…’ (presumably up the Thames) from Bethlehem (no...

What’s (more or less) new in (mostly) English Folk

Mark & Val with a mostly English Folk (we snuck in a Scot), mostly 2018/2019 releases (we snuck in a 2015 that's new to us) mailbag program. For the Halloween show (which should be still available in the archives until tomorrow) we included a lot of Child Ballads; this show has...

Mark and Val’s Rainy Day Mailbag

Today's rainy day mailbag  journey takes you on a folk music tour across the pond and back again with new (to us) music from England, Ireland, Scotland, Romania, Estonia, the Balkans and Turkey, Sweden, around the US, and from Kansas City (Howard Iceberg and the Titanics, Kelly Hunt). The show will...

Foolkiller Folk Previews the Irish Fest

This Sunday at 11:00 AM, Mark & Val bring you a taste of every 2019 KC Irish Fest performer from Trad to Celtic rock we could find commercially available recordings for :-).  Starting with some local favorites and seguing into the international headliners, you'll be hearing: Eddie Delahunt, Bob Reeder,...

Classical Challenge

'Dr. Mike and Mark Andruss share 'The Classical Challenge' and present classical music for 2 1/2 hours every Wed. 9--1130 pm. This program concentrates on music composed in the last 100 years, with special emphasis on recently created works, as well as local performances. This is KKFI's only classical music...