It is KKFI’s On-Air Pledge Drive, show your support for 90.1 and Jaws of Justice Radio. Call in your pledge to 888-931-0901 or on the website at and don’t forget to listen in and find out how you can help many of the poor and homeless of Kansas City get what they need to survive the coming winter.
Keith Brown El will be talking with Richard Tripp founder of COPP INC about the upcoming Winter Survival 12 event to be held November 23rd and 24th. Keith will also be talking with Volunteer Coordinator John Schuly about the volunteers and materials needed to bring this event off.
There is a very big need for help on Friday the 23rd for the clothes sorting and event set up. We are also looking for six or seven individuals that would like to step up and be a team leader helping other to have a good volunteer experience.
Donations Needed: We need your help! We need: Blankets, winter clothes, Shoes, accessories, hygiene products, new toys, Cooking utensils, and funds. We also need help with the cooking. Between 9 and 11 on Saturday November 24th, Please bring down a main dish or side item to add to our food line that feeds thousands.
Please let Jon know if you will be able to assist on Friday, Saturday or both. Also if you would like to be a team leader or know of a building, please send me an email at [email protected] or call 913-871-6436.