On our show for June 19th, host Richard Mabion and his co-host, Rich Gutowski, will speak with Maureen Mahoney, a lifelong resident of Wyandotte County and Kansas City, Kansas.  A lawyer by training, she is a former prosecutor and spent the majority of her legal career working in child welfare, both as in-house counsel for a large nonprofit working with children and families and later as a Guardian ad Litem for children in foster care.  Maureen spent nine years in local government working as chief of staff for two mayors in Wyandotte County, Mayors Holland and Alvey.  Since January 1, 2022, she has started her own consulting company, Mahoney KC, LLC, working with new technology startups, nonprofits, and companies looking for help with strategies and possible state and federal funding.

Climate change makes us apparent that a world of change is needed. Fundamentally, people need good jobs and job skills in order to be gainfully employed.

Property has value and maintaining property in a way that people can afford the utility costs of heating and cooling their homes is in the best interest of all.

How can this be done? Tune in to share ideas!

We at EcoRadio KC are glad to encourage awareness and protection of our world.  Our goal is to assure our listeners are aware of how we can create a sustainable present for a sustainable future!

This will be a great radio hour!

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can about the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.”

Margaret Mead

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