Man Cave A One-Man Sci-Fi Climate Change Tragicomedy Written and Performed by Timothy Mooney

Man Cave finds the “last man on earth” (coincidentally named “Tim”) burrowed into what is essentially a Hobbit home, somewhere in Canada, broadcasting into a microphone for whomever might yet be out there listening. Realizing that perhaps there may not be anyone out there still listening, Tim faces the inability to have any impact on humanity itself, and turns his attention to warning whatever far corners of the universe may still be out there receiving radio waves. Along with a stirring rallying cry for saving the planet, Man Cave walks the line that drips with both irony and edgy gallows humor.

“Tim Mooney is a barnstorming actor, touring the United States with one-man plays. He presents “Man Cave” at high schools and college and conferences and festivals wherever he goes, changing minds… perhaps “blowing minds”… among audiences that are both receptive and not-so-receptive to the climate change message. He would love to share this event with your community.

“The Timothy Mooney Repertory Theatre is a not-for-profit institution, and available to bring this event to your school, conference and environmental event. You can find his theatre at, and check in about booking an event with Tim directly at [email protected]. “Man Cave” is also available in two different books: one written for adult audiences and another for young adult audiences, complete with footnotes and annotated explanations of some of the scientific and political allusions, which you can order through, as well as through some of your usual on-line bookstores.”

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