On our show for October 16th, host Richard Mabion and Rich Gutowski speak with Mark Hillenbrand, Founder of Hedge Gate Hill. Hedge Gate Hill was created to leverage the years of experience in nonprofit, for-profit and governmental organizations of Mark Hillenbrand. Mark brings a unique blend of skills and techniques from his experience working and leading non-profit, for-profit and governmental organizations. His ability to understand and guide organizational strategic planning and operational management is strengthened by his experience of establishing and operating a successful US for-profit business, working for US non-profit agencies and leading a Canadian governmental professional regulation organization.

Mark’s diverse experience, having lived and worked in various local, regional, national and international settings, strengthens Hedge Gate Hill’s ability to support organizations in developing and maintaining diverse, inclusive, and equitable workplaces. Mark brings his extensive experience in quality assurance engineering and advanced education and training in mental and emotional health to organizational strategic planning, management and improvement.

Organizational success is an outcome of efficiently executed day-to-day activities and effective strategic planning. Hedge Gate Hill’s best practice strategic planning processes include the use of qualitative and quantitative research techniques to obtain thorough data the current situation and vision of the future. Leadership development is the result of individually tailored interactions to enhance core strengths and competencies to support growth in identified areas of development and opportunity. Hedge Gate Hill’s leadership development services are focused on assessing and enhancing leadership ability in developing an inclusive culture and effectively leading teams through change. Hedge Gate Hill facilitates organizational development through application of theories from quality assurance engineering, psychology and social work as well as the diligent use of the scientific method.  Successful organizational development connects human emotion, inspiration and motivation to values-based actions and processes. Organizational effectiveness is achieved through first rate strategic leadership, well developed and deployed staff, clearly defined work processes, effective use of resources and the intentional engagement of internal and external stakeholders. Hedge Gate Hill provides consulting services that bring the many components of an organization together with objective data driving strategic change to achieve organizational excellence.

We are all in this together and it will take all of us to make the world safe for human habitation for millennia to come.

We at EcoRadio KC are glad to encourage awareness and protection of our world.  Our goal is to ensure our listeners are aware of how we can create a sustainable present for a sustainable future!

This will be a great radio hour!

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can about the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.”

Margaret Mead

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