On our show for July 24th, we will play the recording from a presentation by local Ecologists Courtney Masterson and Frank Norman on the topic of how you can restore a bit of native prairie to your own backyard.

Courtney Masterson is Executive Director of Native Lands Restoration Collaborative, “a charitable organization that empowers diverse land stewards to protect and restore resilient native ecosystems through community education”. Frank Norman owns Norman Ecological Consulting LLC, which helps individuals and companies with ecological restoration, rare plant surveys and more.

This discussion will educate listeners about how to help native pollinators and wildlife; add self-sustaining beauty to landscaping; sequester carbon and more – all good things for homeowner value and sustainable living on our planet.

When your home or business is located on the prairie, conditions already exist to grow prairie landscape.  Ask yourself, do you want to spend all your time and income watering and mowing a lawn or would you rather support plants and wildlife in beautiful abundance?  The maintenance advantages alone are significant.  If you can give up just one corner of your lawn and grow a few asters and grasses, this would make a difference in giving a little bit back to nature.

The event was hosted by Good Earth Gatherings.

We at EcoRadio KC are glad to encourage awareness and protection of our world.  Our goal is to ensure our listeners are aware of how we can create a sustainable present for a sustainable future!

This will be a great radio hour!



“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can about the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.”

Margaret Mead

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