For our show on May 23rd, host Richard Mabion will speak with his guests Andrew Robinson and Rich Gutowski about entrepreneurship.  Andrew is active with the Benton Harbor Area Entrepreneur Support Organization and Mosaic Christian Community Development Association.

Benton Harbor Area Entrepreneur Support Organization is a minority entrepreneur-focused resource organization for the Benton Harbor Michigan area community.

Mosaic Christian Community Development Association is a nonprofit organization that is transforming lives in Benton Harbor, Michigan. They are in the business of transforming the lives of people in need through practical career skill-building, positive relationships and career opportunities.

Listeners aware of climate disruption know that we must work to clean up our environment and keep our population warm in the winter, cool in the summer and well fed every day.  There is a need for more workers.  Increased job training skills for low-income communities to provide these services just makes sense.

Please stay tuned to hear Richard and Andrew discuss increasing opportunites.

We at EcoRadio KC are glad to encourage awareness and protection of our world.  Our goal is to assure our listeners are aware of how we can create a sustainable present for a sustainable future!

This will be a great radio hour!  We hope you can tune in!

George Carlin said “we (meaning people in general) are arrogant to think we (usually meaning they) are a threat to the planet. This planet put up with dinosaurs for 165 million years then waited another 65 million before putting up with people. Do any of you think people, humans, can last 165 million years?”

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