climate hour

Climate Hour: The Green Party of the United States

The Green Party is the fourth-largest political party in the United States. Its platform is based on Four Pillars – Peace, Ecology, Social Justice, and Democracy. Join host, Bob Grove, and guests as they explore the Green Party of the United States. Guests include: Howie Hawkins, Green Party Co-Founder and 2020 U.S....

Climate Hour: Environmental Justice & Climate Equity

Environmental hazards are consistently placed in poor communities and policies aimed to improve the environment often spread costs and benefits unevenly across different populations. Experts acknowledge that Climate Change will disproportionally affect low-income communities; communities who are least responsible for climate change emissions. Join host, Bob Grove, and guests to discuss...

Climate Hour: The State of U.S. Climate Policy

This last year has been a bellwether for climate issues. We’ve had a new federal administration changing the direction of U.S. climate policy. The United Nation’s IPCC has published it’s first climate assessment report since 2014. And we’ve had the world gather in Glasgow for the United Nations Framework Convention...

Climate Hour: Lobbying For Climate Solutions

Citizen lobbying provides ordinary people with the opportunity to make a profound difference on big issues. Whether writing letters to editors, calling your elected representatives, or meeting officials in person or on zoom, citizen Lobbying is a simple, effective way to transform the political landscape in ways that improve your...