Tommy Lee Jones

Freeze Frame: “The Burial” (R), “Dear David” (R), “Garden City, Kansas” (Not rated), “Herd” (Not rated)

A flamboyant lawyer attempts to dig up some justice in "The Burial," an Amazon Prime drama inspired by a true story. Jamie Foxx gives a magnetic performance as Willie E. Gary, a personal injury lawyer who took on a big corporation in a contract law case, representing an exploited funeral...

Freeze Frame: “Godmothered” (PG), “Black Bear” (R), “Wander” (R), “76 Days” (NR)

Disney plays around with its own fairytale tropes with the lighthearted comic fantasy, “Godmothered.” Jillian Bell plays a fairy godmother-in-training who is called upon to save the motherland by granting the wish of a jaded TV journalist, played by Isla Fisher. Bell is perfectly cast as the bungling but good-hearted...