Catholic Worker Anti-Nuke Faith and Resistance Retreat

Brian Terrell and Kathy Kelly join Radio Active Magazine regular Spencer Graves to discuss a Catholic Worker anti-nuke faith and resistance retreat in Kansas City April 12-15 organized by Jerusalem Farm, Cherith Brook, and others. More information is available at 

Brian Terrell is a long-time Catholic Worker, peace activist, and coordinator for the Nevada Desert Experience. He has been arrested over 200 times for nonviolent civil disobedience and has spent over 2 years total incarcerated. His articles have appeared in numerous publications, including Counterpunch, War is a Crime, The Progressive, Commondreams,, Voices for Creative Nonviolence, the National Catholic Reporter. Since 1986, he has lived and worked at Strangers and Guests Catholic Worker Farm, Maloy, IA. 

Kathy Kelly is a peace activist, pacifist and author, a founding member of Voices in the Wilderness, and President of the Board of World BEYOND War. She has been arrested over 60 times in different countries and written several books and articles on anti-war themes. 

April 12-14 will include planning, fellowship, and nonviolence training. They will protest nuclear weapons production at the Kansas City National (In)Security Campus, 14520 Botts Road, Kansas City, Missouri.

The National Nuclear Security Administration plans to spend $2 trillion dollars over the next 20 years to make all new nuclear weapons and the carriers for them, jets, ICBMs and subs.  Kansas City’s nuclear bomb parts plant, called the National Security Campus or NSC, manufactures the brains of nuclear weapons, the electronic parts that guide the nuclear weapon and sets it off.  The NSC is one of the 8 major sites that together makes U.S. nuclear weapons. Beginning this year the NSC will double in size and hire up to 9,000 workers, up to the levels that worked there during the Cold War.  So Kansas City is at the epicenter of the 21st century new arms race.

Timmon Wallis (2023) Warheads to Windmills (Indispensable Press) documents how we need people with those skills working to accelerate the transition to green energy. Instead, we are paying those people to threaten the extinction of civilization.

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