Dr. Denise Dowd on pediatric emergency medicine

Denise Dowd discusses pediatric emergency medicine including her work to develop a national Center for Trauma Informed Pediatrics. Dowd is an MD with a masters in public health. She specializes  in pediatric emergency medicine. For the past 27 years, she has worked in the Division of Emergency Medicine of Children’s Mercy Hospital. She is also  a Professor of Pediatrics at the University of Missouri-Kansas City and University of Kansas. She now works as a leadership coach  at Children’s Mercy. For over 25 years, she has worked to develop new approaches to preventing and mitigating violence and injury among youth. Her recent work centers on building collaborations within Kansas City to address the impact of early childhood adversity and poverty. 

Dr. Dowd has worked extensively with the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), including serving as the lead author on the AAP’s firearm injury prevention policy statement. She has received numerous honors including Mayor’s declarations from the cities of Cincinnati, Ohio, and Kansas City, Missouri. She has received a Communicator of the Year Award. The AAP has honored her with a Michael Shannon Humanitarian Award and their Gold Foundation Humanism Award.

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