Eyyup Esen, the Dialogue Institute, and Advocates of Silenced Turkey

Eyyup Esen discusses the Kansas branch of the Dialogue Institute of the Southwest and Advocates of Silenced Turkey with Radio Active Magazine regular Spencer Graves.

Among other things, the Dialogue Institute partners with different organizations to hold iftars, which are community fast-breaking dinners after sundown during Ramadan. In 2023 they partnered with 33 different organizations to hold such iftars.

Advocates of Silenced Turkey (AST) says that, “Since the July of 2016, the Turkish government has improperly imprisoned 130,214 homemakers, teachers, NGO workers, academics, judges, prosecutors and journalists.” This was discussed in the January 23 episode of Radio Active Magazine. AST is working to rebuild democracy and human rights in Turkey.

PeaceWorks Kansas City is scheduled to give Eyyup their annual Charles E. Bebb Peace Merit Award for outstanding service in the cause of peace. He will receive the award at the PeaceWorks Kansas city annual meeting at Simpson House, Sunday, March 3, 2-4 PM.

Copyright 2024 Eyyup Esen and Spencer Graves, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike (CC BY-SA) 4.0 international license

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