Lewis Diuguid Exploring Cuba and other concerns

Award-winning journalist Lewis Diuguid talks with Radio Active Magazine regulars Spencer Graves and Craig Lubow about his new book with his deceased partner Bette Tate-Beaver on, “Exploring Cuba : erasing fears through multicultural education” and other concerns. This book discusses cultural and professional exchanges with trips to Cuba organized by the National Association for Multicultural Education (NAME, nameorg.org) between 2015 and 2019 as well as the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on US-Cuba relations. Bette served as Executive Director of NAME between 2009 and her death in 2021. 

Diuguid is on a speaking tour promoting this new book. His agenda includes the following: 

Diuguid’s many awards include the 2017 Louis M. Lyons Award for Conscience and Integrity in Journalism from the Nieman Foundation for Journalism at Harvard. This award was “In recognition of his commitment to excellence in journalism as well as his work as a newsroom leader and role model for young journalists … . During his nearly 40-year career … at The Kansas City Star, Diuguid distinguished himself as a relentless advocate for newsroom diversity. He tirelessly used his voice to draw attention to societal inequities … and … systemic injustices. He … was a founding member of the Kansas City Association of Black Journalists”. 

Lewis is actually Lewis Walter Diuguid, 2nd, named after his grandfather, who died in 1955. His father, Lincoln Duiguid, had a PhD in organic chemistry from Cornell and founded the “Du-Good Chemical” company in St. Louis in 1947. At that time, African Americans could not get money from the standard financial markets to create a business like this. Instead, Lincoln borrowed money from relatives to buy the land and launch that company. The “Du-Good Chemical” company manufactured cosmetics and other chemicals. “Doc” Diuguid provided jobs for young black people from the community and helped them into college and careers. Many neighboring black-owned businesses followed Du-Good Chemical in that regard. That story is discussed in Lewis’ third book, “Our fathers : making black men“. 

copyright 2024 Lewis Diuguid and Spencer Graves, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 international license

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