
Jim Hightower

Hightower’s Lowdown

Tune in to "Hightower's Lowdown," a short commentary segment. Hightower's daily "Pops of Populism" are unique and provocative two-minute commentaries that hit the issues hard...but with a sense of humor. Jim Hightower, America's leading populist, zings the powers that be in a way that makes audiences perk up, take notice,...

The Tasty Brew

“The Tasty Brew” is an eclectic mix of roots music formed by the shared and varied traditions that make up the American musical melting pot that are merged from folk, country, bluegrass, blues, rhythm and blues, rock and roll and other external influences. Diana Linn is a member of the...


An hour-long radio program on science, technology, politics, and the environment. It is broadcast each week on WBAI New York City (99.5 FM), and re-aired on stations across the country via the Ku National Radio Satellite. Topics covered include black holes, time travel, higher dimensions, string theory, wormholes, search for extra-terrestial...

Paragon Radio

An all-night talk show driven by listener phone calls and emails. Nothing is ever off-topic and everything and everyone is held accountable.

Moby’s Trip

Moby's Trip is a show chock full of buttery psychedelic music goodness with existential sprinkles. Its a rock-n-roll show and a breath mint recommended by four out of five doctors. Anything could turn up here. There's a little saying we have 'round here, "'s just not your audio wallpaper anymore."...

Signal to Noise

Free-form radio inspired by the free-form experiments of underground radio in the mid to late 60s, although I play much more than just rock and roll. This program is dedicated to the proposition that all good music transcends it's genre and is just as relevant today as it was in...

Sunset Reggae

Sunset Reggae has been on the air since 1993, broadcasting reggae music. I had forgotten the length of time until Mojo from Morgan Heritage called in for an interview and remembered performing in Kansas City at the Reggae Festival in 1993.  I then remembered that this is when I started...

Native Spirit Radio

Native Spirit provides Native American music from across the country. From Powwow music to Native American Church, traditional songs from different tribes, to contemporary style like Rock, Country, Blues, and Country.  Native people are producing a lot of music and this show is one of the few they can get...