WINGS is at different times horrifying, exciting, funny, eye-opening and definitely inspirational. — Nikki Reece, program producer, Plains FM, Christchurch, New Zealand

WINGS: Women’s International News Gathering Service is an all-woman independent radio production company that produces and distributes news and current affairs programs by and about women around the world. WINGS programs are used by non-commercial radio stations, women’s studies, and individuals. Programs can be heard on local radio stations, on shortwave, on the internet, and on cassettes. The WINGS Mailing List provides updates on stories and new information about women’s media. “Though I have been involved in women’s issues for years, I was still struck by the contrast of your broadcast to the news we are usually hearing — news reflecting male interests in a basically male world. Women’s affairs are a hidden current in the flow of world events.”– Kristin Reilly, listener, Buffalo, New YorkWINGS Mailing List:E-mail [email protected] to receive periodic e-mail updates about WINGS programs and women’s media issues.

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June 22, 2024 National, News & Public Affairs

Parliament Women

The International Parliamentary Union (IPU) is an organization currently comprising 180 of the 190 national parliaments currently functioning in the world. One of their activities is ranking countries by the percentage of women in their legislative bodies. As of April 24, 2024, Rwanda still held the top spot, followed by Cuba, Nicaragua and Mexico - Australia was in 32nd place - Canada, 65th. The US was tied with Iraq for 72nd place. These percentages have a lot to do with the countries' electoral systems - as Helen Clark, former Prime Minister of New Zealand, and Irish Senator Lorraine Clifford-Lee explain. New Zealand was ranked in 16th place for percentage of women in Parliament, and Ireland was 103rd. But even at just 37%, Irish women have influence in Parliament. The two women politicians explain the special barriers that women in politics so often face, and the how and why of examples of legislative successes from their respective countries.

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