Tag - 90.1fm kkfi

(Mostly) Celtic/Northern European Mailbag

Another morning of new to us music (mostly released in 2020/2021) from Mark & Val. You'll be hearing from Mozaiik's release 'The Long and the Short of It'; a piece from Molly Mason & Christine Balfa and Dirk Powell & Ganey Arsement plus a piece by the Nashville Chamber Orchestra...

Organizing the Lawrence Journal-World & How the Ultra-Rich Profit from Racial Injustice

Reporters at the Lawrence Journal-World have formed a union. In response, the bosses have hired one of the most expensive anti-labor law firms in the country to handle negotiations. This week on the Heartland Labor Forum, we'll speak to the reporters union representative, Shannon Duffy, of the United Media Guild...

Women’s History Month/St Patrick’s Day Kick-off Mash Up

with a little Pi Day thrown in at the end. Today we celebrate women with a nod to St Patrick’s day. We start with some turnabouts of traditional ballads; segue into a set about Grace O’Malley, the pirate queen of Ireland; offer some songs of women and work; talk about...

The Tenth Voice • December 26th, 2020 – HMA

This is a special 8 minute episode created for KKFI's submission to the 2021 Hometown Media Awards Click Here for the entire broadcast episode Hello everyone and welcome to Trans Talk, this week's edition of the Tenth Voice! This week we will kick off the show with the transgender news of the month,...