The Sound of a Vibrant Community: KKFI Listens to You
KKFI is a two-way medium. You listen to KKFI, and KKFI listens to you. That can’t be said for many other radio stations, especially commercial radio, which assaults your ears with hundreds of ads urging you to buy, buy, buy.
At KKFI I listen to what you have to say and try hard to respond to your needs and desires. Whenever I get a chance, I ask you how we’re doing.
Let me know what’s on your mind. Please take a minute to jot down your likes and/or things that need our attention. Submit your comments online at the KKFI website.
And second, consider making a generous tax-deductible pledge of support for programming you’ll hear only on KKFI.
If you agree with me that we need to hear fresh and different voices, please take a moment to show your support. Donate On-line today at While at the website, take a look around. There’s loads of entertaining and informative content.
Once we reach our goal of $70,000, it will be back to regular programming.
While we’re not the biggest station in Kansas City, we strive to be the best. I’m listening. Let me hear from you today with your donation.
Valerie Andruss
KKFI 90.1 FM Board of Directors